50 Years of Drywalling Expertise

Alpine Drywall (Lethbridge) Ltd has been in business for 40 years and has built a reputation for delivering exceptional customer service throughout Southern Alberta. Our most recent owner/operator Ken Piecharka first bought the company in 1990. He successfully ran the business with his partner Greg Leduc until 2008. At that time, Joe Schwark, who was a superintendent for the company, became a partner. In 2016, Ken retired, and his son Brett Piecharka became a partner with Joe Schwark. The Alpine Drywall legacy continues to this day.
Even with this recent change in ownership, it has been a seamless transition for our customers. By keeping the business in the family, we have continued to use our 25 years of experience to provide top quality service. Contractors know that their jobs will still be done right, every time!
We provide quotes for upcoming projects listed on Buildworks Canada and by invitation.